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Welcome to the online catalogue of the London Health Libraries


Welcome to the London Health Libraries Consortium! If you are registered with one of our member libraries, you can access an extensive collection of over 90,000 print books and a vast range of eBooks provided to all NHS staff in England.

As a library member, you can:

  • Register and manage your account online, including renewing loans and placing reservations
  • Access the combined collections of 24 health libraries across 17 London NHS trusts
  • Search through 90,000+ books, 27,000+ eBooks, and a wealth of other resources in one unified online catalogue
  • Borrow up to eight books and place up to five reservations at a time
  • Create shared or private reading lists to organise your resources
  • View your search and reading history for easy reference
  • Suggest new book purchases to expand our collection
To find out which Knowledge and Library services are part of our consortium, click here. Ready to become a member?  Register now to get your account.

Need assistance with our resources? Contact your "home" library for personalised support.
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