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The future of the maternity services

Chamberlain, G

The future of the maternity services - RCOG, 1994 - 310p

SECTION 1: CHOICE AND RISK. 1 - What are consumer views of maternity care? 2 - Views of consumers: what are they and how may they be obtained? 3 - Review and assessment of models of care using research, information and data: the role of routinely collected data. 5 - Place of birth: finding the next step forward. 8 - The use of risk factors in predicting possible consequences of changing patterns of care in pregnancy. 9 - Selection of women for community obstetric care. SECTION 2: PROVISION OF SERVICES: WHAT AND HOW? 17 - Purchaser and provider contracts. 19 - The contribution of the general practitioner to maternity care. SECTION 3: ACHIEVING QUALITY. 23 - Effective practice in obstetrics. 24 - Setting standards. 26 - Audit as an agent of change. SECTION 4: EDUCATION. SECTION 5: FUTURE. 34 - Development of service: models of care. 38 - How to ensure research-based practice.

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Maternal health services
Health planning
Health policy

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