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Forest Therapy - The Potential of the Forest for Your Health

Schuh, Angela.

Forest Therapy - The Potential of the Forest for Your Health [E-Book] - 1st ed. 2022. - XI, 130 p. 3 illus. online resource.

1 Introduction -- 2 Discovering the forest - an introduction. - 3 The atmosphere of the forest -- 4 Effects of spending time in the forest - current studies -- 5 How you can discover and use the forest for your health -- 6 Risks and potential dangers in the forest -- 7 Conclusion and outlook.

In fast-paced everyday life, it is becoming increasingly important to find an antipole. The forest seems to be the perfect place for this - it offers balancing stimuli, health-promoting effects and its climate is proven to be effective on human health. This non-fiction book explains the background and facts about the effect of forest visits on a scientifically sound basis and sensitizes readers to the great health benefits of forest bathing (Shinrin-Yoku) and forest therapy. As an oasis of tranquility, the forest invites you to slow down, regenerate and draw new energy. Written for interested lay people - psychotherapists, doctors and other health professionals can read along. This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Waldtherapie - das Potenzial des Waldes f�r Ihre Gesundheit by Angela Schuh and Gisela Immich, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors. From the Contents How the forest and its climate affect us - How you can discover and use the forest and its atmosphere for your health. The Authors Prof. Dr. Dr. Angela Schuh and Gisela Immich, M.Sc., research the effects of forests and climate on health at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany and develop concepts for preventive forest use as well as for forest therapy. .


10.1007/978-3-662-64280-1 doi

Medicine, Psychosomatic.
Medical sciences.
Personal coaching.
Clinical Medicine.
Psychosomatic Medicine.
Counseling Psychology.
Health Sciences.