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Viral and Fungal Infections of the Central Nervous System: A Microbiological Perspective
Viral and Fungal Infections of the Central Nervous System: A Microbiological Perspective [E-Book]
- 1st ed. 2023.
- XXIII, 482 p. 1 illus. online resource.
Dedication -- Foreword I -- Foreword II -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Disclosure Statement -- List of Contributors -- About the Editors -- THEME 1 Introduction: An Insight into Central Nervous System (CNS) Infections -- Chapter 1 Etiology and Epidemiology of Central Nervous System Infections -- CHAPTER 2 Overview of Infective Syndromes of The Central Nervous System and its Coverings: Decoding Chameleons and Mimics -- CHAPTER 3 Diagnosis of CNS Infections Through a Systematic Approach -- CHAPTER 4 Immune Responses in Infections of the Central Nervous System -- THEME 2 VIRAL PATHOGENS: PATHOGENESIS, PATHOLOGY, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT -- CHAPTER 5 Herpesvirus Infections of the Central Nervous System -- CHAPTER 6 Enterovirus-associated Meningoencephalitis and Enteroviruses in Patients with Acute Encephalitis -- CHAPTER 7 Encephalitic Arboviruses -- CHAPTER 8 Neurological Illnesses Involved in Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Human T cell Lymphotropic Virus Infections -- CHAPTER 9Neurological Complications of Measles and Mumps -- CHAPTER 10 Rabies Encephalitis: A Disease Characterized by Complex Neuropathogenic Pathways and Diagnostic Difficulties -- CHAPTER 11 Miscellaneous CNS Viral Infections: Underappreciated Causes of Neurologic Disease -- THEME 3 FUNGAL PATHOGENS: PATHOGENESIS, PATHOLOGY, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT -- CHAPTER 12 Neuro-infections Caused by Candida Species -- CHAPTER 13 Cryptococcosis of the Central Nervous System -- CHAPTER 14 Mold Infections of the Central Nervous System -- CHAPTER 15 Role of Dimorphic Fungi in CNS Infections -- CHAPTER 16 Melanized Fungi in CNS Infections -- CHAPTER 17 Miscellaneous CNS Fungal Infections -- THEME 4 FUTURE INSIGHTS INTO CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTIONS -- CHAPTER 18 Advanced Microbiological Diagnostic Techniques in Viral Infections of the Central Nervous System -- CHAPTER 19 Advanced Microbiological Diagnostic Techniques in Fungal Infections of the Central Nervous System -- CHAPTER 20 Association of Viral and Fungal Infections of the CNS during Immunosuppression. .
This book covers topics related to viral and fungal infections of the central nervous system (CNS), with a multidisciplinary reach, discussing associated immunology, microbiological aspects, pathologies, timely management, and prevention. The book is structured into five broad sections. The first section provides the reader with valuable insights into the aetiologies and underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of neurological diseases, including host responses. It mentions all bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral causes of neuro-infections, along with rarer neuropathogenesis such as prions and mycoplasmas. The chapter also presents detailed epidemiology and prevalence of different CNS infections worldwide. It also reviews various infectious diseases that target the nervous system, such as focal lesions, meningitis, and neurological complications of venous sinus thrombosis. The next two sections delve deep into pathogen-specific diseases of the CNS, namely the virusesand fungi associated with neuro-infections. It mentions detailed excerpts on encephalitic viruses, long-term consequences of neurotropic viruses, mycological neuroinfectious, and even the emerging, less talked of viruses and fungi causing neurological disease. Topics such as principles of vigorous antifungal therapy and surgeries are also discussed in the chapter. The fourth section gives an insight on prospects for efficiently diagnosing and managing viral and fungal CNS infections, to tackle associated morbidities. Features that are often less documented, yet of considerable interest in current times, such as the role of immunosuppression in neurological infections and newer microbiological diagnostic strategies are covered. The last section uniquely provides clinicians with relatable case scenarios. Real case descriptions are included, such as cases of fungal meningitis and other difficult-to-diagnose infections produced by viruses. This book serves as a guide for neurologists, medical microbiologists, and clinical practitioners who deal with patients suspected of neurological infection.
10.1007/978-981-99-6445-1 doi
Microbiology. Medical microbiology. Fungi. Mycology. Microbiology. Medical Microbiology. Fungi.