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Prenatal genetic counseling Practical support for prenatal diagnostics, decision-making, and dealing with uncertainty

Riedijk, Sam

Prenatal genetic counseling Practical support for prenatal diagnostics, decision-making, and dealing with uncertainty [E-Book] - London Academic Press 2022

Prenatal Genetic Counseling: Practical Support for Prenatal Diagnostics, Decision-Making, and Dealing with Uncertainty provides a foundation for new research and a one-stop source for physicians, genetic counselors, psychologists, social workers, general practitioners, grief workers, translational researchers, and administrators seeking to work in the field of clinical genomics ethically and in full consideration of patients’ psychological well-being. Here, an international team of experienced counselors and clinician-scientists lay out the range of methods and technologies applied in prenatal decision-making, including NIPT; invasive testing with microarray analysis or whole genome sequencing; ultrasound screening; and prenatal diagnosis for known hereditary conditions, among others. From here, they examine specific challenges in the clinical translation. In a field where decisions about life or death of a child are made, professionals are bound to encounter uncertainty.


Genetic Counseling
Prenatal Diagnosis