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Multisensory environments

Pagliano, Paul

Multisensory environments - London : David Fulton, 1999 - xii, 164p

pt. I. Foundations -- 1. What is a multisensory environment? -- 2. Survey of the MSE literature -- 3. Developing a theoretical perspective of the MSE -- pt. II. Design and construction -- 4. What facilities could be included in the MSE? -- 5. Who will be involved in the MSE? -- 6. Why focus on MSE design and construction? -- 7. How to design and construct a MSE -- pt. III. Curriculum development -- 8. Curriculum development and the MSE -- 9. Children with a learning difficulty -- 10. Children with severe/profound multiple learning difficulties -- pt. IV. Future developments -- 11. Conducting research in the MSE -- 12. Where are we going?

A comprehensive, critical review of the issues surrounding the multisensory environment (MSE). The MSE is a dedicated space for relaxation, learning and/or therapy. The aim is to allow teachers, professionals, therapists and parents who work or live with children with disabilities to use MSE to maximum effect. Australian author.


Child psychiatry
Learning disabilities
Education, special
Sensory processing

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