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Assessment :

Assessment : a mental health portfolio : stress, coping and social support / Stress, coping and social support edited by Derek Milne - Windsor : NFER-Nelson, 1992 - 40p - Book

Assessment : a mental health portfolio comprises seven booklets. For loan to psychologists. "This booklet Stress, coping and Social Support, enables users to look at the relative impact of the ups and downs in life using the Hassles and Uplifts Scales. By inviting clients to recall some specific stressful event, using the Coping Responses Inventory, their attitudes to, and strategies for dealing with stress may be analysed. The Significant Others Scale will provide the clinician with the clients' views of emotional and practical support received from informal helping relationships. Together these three measures provide the basis for a sound analysis of the individual client."

Psychological tests
Social isolation

WM 145.
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