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Pregnancy in the obese woman : clinical management

Conway, D L

Pregnancy in the obese woman : clinical management - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011

The epidemiology of obesity in pregnancy / Susan Y. Chu -- Psychological aspects of obesity in women / D. Yvette LaCoursiere -- Preparing for pregnancy : special considerations for the obese woman / Anne Lang Dunlop, Divya Narayan, and Vita Lam Mayes -- Bariatric surgery : a primer for the obstetric care provider / C.R. Hall and Bradley J. Needleman -- Pregnancy after bariatric surgery / Anatte Karmon and Eyal Sheiner -- The impact of maternal obesity on fetal and neonatal outcomes / Donald J. Dudley -- Abnormal fetal growth related to maternal obesity / Hugh M. Ehrenberg -- Special considerations in prenatal care / Hugh M. Ehrenberg -- Nutrition and weight gain in the obese gravida / Naomi E. Stotland, Janet King, and Barbara Abrams -- Exercise recommendations for the obese gravida / Krista L Rompolski and John M. Jakicic -- Obesity co-morbid conditions in pregnancy : diabetes and hypertension / Eran Hadar and Yariv Yogev -- Obstetric management of the obese parturient / James M. Alexander -- Abdominal surgery in the morbidly obese patient / Ashley Parker and Deborah L. Conway -- Breast feeding and contraception / Elizabeth Reifsnider.

9781405196482 1405196483 (hbk.) :

Obstetrics and Gynaecology