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text Front Matter -- How to Perform Ultrasound Tests. Principles of Extracranial Ultrasound Examination / Andrei V Alexandrov, Alice Robinson-Vaughn, Clotilde Balucani, Marsha M Neumyer -- Intracranial Cerebrovascular Ultrasound Examination Techniques / Andrei V Alexandrov, Marta Rubiera, Paola Palazzo, Marsha M Neumyer -- Anatomy of the Brain's Arterial Supply / Joel Cure -- Hemodynamic Principles. Integrated Assessment of Systemic and Intracranial Hemodynamics / Anne W Alexandrov -- Practical Models of Cerebral Hemodynamics and Waveform Recognition / Andrei V Alexandrov -- Criteria for Interpretation. Diagnostic Criteria for Cerebrovascular Ultrasound / Georgios Tsivgoulis, Marsha M Neumyer, Andrei V Alexandrov -- Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention and Treatment. Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention: TCD and Sickle Cell Disease / Fenwick T Nichols III, Robert J Adams, Anne M Jones -- Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Carotid Ultrasound / Tatjana Rundek, Joseph F Polak -- Applications of Functional Transcranial Doppler (fTCD) / Konstantinos Vadikolias, Georgios Tsivgoulis -- Transcranial Doppler in the Detection and Quantitation of Patent Foramen Ovale and Other Right-to-Left Circulatory Shunts / Annabelle Lao, Cindy J Fuller, Jill T Jesurum -- Ultrasound in Neurocritical Care / Andrew D Barreto, James C Grotta -- Cerebral Vasospasm after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage / Mark R Harrigan, David W Newell, Andrei V Alexandrov -- Intra-Operative TCD Monitoring / Zsolt Garami, Alan B Lumsden -- Intracranial Stenosis / Vijay K Sharma, K S Lawrence Wong -- Ultrasound in Acute Stroke: Diagnosis, Reversed Robin Hood Syndrome and Sonothrombolysis / Andrei V Alexandrov, Robert Mikulik, Andrew Demchuk -- Ultrasound and Gaseous Microspheres / Flemming Forsberg, Andrei V Alexandrov -- Neurosonology Pearls / Georgios Tsivgoulis, Clotilde Balucani, Vijay K Sharma -- Index. Machine generated contents note: Title: Cerebrovascular Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention and Treatment. Editor: Andrei V. Alexandrov, MD. Contents: Foreword Werner Hacke Part I. How To Perform Ultrasound Tests? Principles of Extracranial Ultrasound and Examination Techniques Alice Robinson-Vaughn, Marta Rubiera, M. Neumyer, A. Alexandrov (edits pending). Principles of Intracranial Ultrasound and Examination Techniques Marta Rubiera, Alice Robinson-Vaughn, A. Alexandrov, M. Neumyer (edits pending). Anatomy of Pre-Cerebral Vessels and the Circle of Willis Joel Cure (received). Part II. Hemodynamic Principles. Integrated Assessment of Systemic and Intracranial Hemodynamics A.W. Alexandrov (confirmed). Practical Models of Cerebral Hemodynamics and Waveform Recognition R. Aaslid (received), A. Alexandrov. Part III. Criteria for Interpretation. Diagnostic Criteria for Neurovascular Studies G. Tsivgoulis (confirmed), A. Alexandrov, M. Neumyer. Part IV. Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention and Treatment. Sickle Cell Disease F. Nichols (confirmed), A. Jones, R. Adams. Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Carotid Ultrasound T. Rundek (confirmed), J. Polak. Secondary Prevention and Stenting J. Kim (confirmed), C. Tegeler, D. Ratanakorn. Acute Ischemic Stroke R. Mikulik (received revised), A. Demchuk, A. Alexandrov. Vasospasm after SAH M. Harrigan (received, revised, new figures pending), D. Newell, A. Alexandrov. Part V. Select Clinical Applications and Clinical Vignettes. Ultrasound in Neuro-critical care A. Barreto (received revised), J. Grotta. Carotid duplex -- beyond percent stenosis John Pellerito (confirmed). Intracranial Disease Vijay Sharma (received revision pending), L. Wong. Detection of right-to-left shunts A. Lao (done), J. Jesurum. Vasomotor reactivity and reversed Robin Hood Syndrome G. Tsivgoulis, Marta Rubiera (to be done in August). Intra-operative monitoring Z. Garami (confirmed), A. Lumsden. Imaging and monitoring reperfusion therapies C. Molina, P. Schellinger (confirmed). Ultrasound and microspheres F. Forsberg (received revision pending).
Includes bibliographical references and index. ""Cerebrovascular Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention and Treatment, Second Edition, assists neurologists, radiologists, and ultrasonographers in stroke therapy by providing practical approaches to the examination of patients, the interpretation of ultrasound studies, and the application of cerebrovascular ultrasound in the development of management and treatment studies. Full-color images and case studies add to the book's appeal.""--Provided by publisher."