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text Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Preface; List of Contributors; Part I Prenatal and Perinatal Issues; Chapter 1 Cardiac Embryology and Embryopathy; Initial Stages of Development; Looping of the Heart Tube; The Process of Ballooning; Formation of the Atrial Chambers; Atrial Septation; Ventricular Development; Development and Maldevelopment of the Outflow Tract; Development of the Coronary Circulation; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 2 Maternal, Familial, and Nonâ#x80;#x90;Cardiac Fetal Conditions Affecting the Fetal and Neonatal Heart; Maternal Factors; Metabolic; Autoimmune. InfectionCardiac Teratogens; Twins; Familial; Nonâ#x80;#x90;cardiac Fetal Conditions; High Output Lesions; Spaceâ#x80;#x90;Occupying Thoracic Lesions; Placental Abnormalities; References; Chapter 3 The Natural and Unnatural History of Fetal Heart Disease; References; Part II General Neonatal Issues; Chapter 4 Epidemiology of Heart Defects; Prevalence of Individual Lesions; Changes in Prevalence Over Time; Regional and Racial Variation; Impact of Fetal Testing; Nonâ#x80;#x90;Genetic Risk Factors; References; Chapter 5 The Transitional and Neonatal Heart and Cardiovascular System; Birth and Neonatal Period. AcknowledgmentReferences; Chapter 6 History and Physical Examination; History; Physical Examination; Further Reading; Chapter 7 The Cyanotic Newborn; Reference; Further Reading; Chapter 8 The Tachypneic Newborn; Reference; Further Reading; Chapter 9 The Hypoperfused Newborn; Etiology; History; Physical Examination; Cardiac causes; Nonâ#x80;#x90;cardiac causes; Diagnostic Tests; Management; Further Reading; Chapter 10 The Dysmorphic Newborn; Further Reading; Part III Diagnostic Procedures; Chapter 11 Chest Roentgenogram; Pulmonary Vascularity; Cardiomegaly; Situs; Great Vessels. Extracardiac EvaluationLines and Tubes in Patients With Congenital Heart Disease; Complications; Chapter 12 Electrocardiogram; ECGâ#x80;#x89;Leads; Basic ECGâ#x80;#x89;Setup; Wave Morphologies; ECGâ#x80;#x89;Intervals; Heart Rate; Cardiac Rhythm; Axis; Rightâ#x80;#x90;sided Chest Leads; Abnormalities on theâ#x80;#x89;ECG; Atrial Enlargement; Ventricular Hypertrophy; Low Voltageâ#x80;#x89;QRS; QRSâ#x80;#x89;Duration; Wolffâ#x80;#x93;Parkinsonâ#x80;#x93;White; Abnormalâ#x80;#x89;Qâ#x80;#x89;Waves; Tâ#x80;#x90;wave Changes; STâ#x80;#x89;Segments; Further Reading; Chapter 13 Echocardiogram; History; Physics; Performance of a Pediatric Echocardiogram; Subcostal (Subxiphoid) View; Apical View. Parasternal ViewSuprasternal View; References; Chapter 14 Cardiac Catheterization and Angiocardiography; Patent Ductus Arteriosus (Figures 14.1 and 14.2); Pulmonary Valve Stenosis (Figure 14.3); Critical Aortic Valve Stenosis (Figure 14.4); Coarctation of the Aorta (Figure 14.5); Major Aortoâ#x80;#x90;Pulmonary Collateral Arteries (Figure 14.6); Transposition of the Great Arteries (Figure 14.7); Hypoplastic Left Ventricle (Figure 14.8); Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (Figure 14.9); Rotational Angiography (Figure 14.10); References; Chapter 15 Computed Tomography."
Includes bibliographical references and index. ""The Visual Guide to Neonatal Cardiology is a comprehensive, highly illustrated, reference covering the evaluation, diagnosis and management of cardiac disease in the newborn. Contains over 900 color illustrations, including patient photographs, chest roentgenograms, electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, angiocardiograms, 3D computed tomogramphy, magnetic resonance imaging, pathologic specimens, and other relevant visual aids Discusses the natural history of fetal heart disease and the rationale, indications, technique, and impact of fetal cardiac intervention Reviews the anatomy and physiology of the neonatal cardiovascular system, including differences within the fetal, transitional, neonatal, child and adult circulatory system Highlights key steps for taking a patient history, including detailed discussion of the cardiac examination (inspection, palpation and auscultation of heart sounds and murmurs) Presents over 35 morphologic conditions with sections covering introduction, epidemiology, etiology with accepted or postulated embryogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, physical examination findings, diagnostic evaluation, management, and prognosis Includes a neonatal formulary reviewing selected medications currently used for treatment of perioperative low cardiac output, congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, sedation, pain and anticoagulation in neonates""--Provided by publisher.