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Bonney's gynaecological surgery

Bonney, Victor [1872-1953.]

Bonney's gynaecological surgery - 11th ed. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 - x, 272p

Gynaecological surgery

Bonney's Gynaecological Surgery; Contents; Preface to the eleventh edition; Preface to the ninth edition; Part 1: General; 1: Introduction and prologue; 2: Preparation for surgery; 3: Instruments, operative materials and basic surgical techniques; 4: Opening and closing the abdominal cavity; 5: The laparoscopic approach in gynaecology; 6: Postoperative care and complications; Part 2: Anatomical For the general gynaecologist and gynaecologist in training; 7: Operations on the vulva; 8: Operations on the vagina; 9: Operations on the cervix; 10: Operations on the uterine cavity.

Remote Includes bibliographical references and index. Firm favourite for gynaecological surgical practice since 1911, extensively revised by leading gynaecological surgeons; Providing information on reconstructive surgery, anaesthesia, information technology and audit, complications and quality; Focusing on the most commonly performed procedures with emphasis on evidence-based decision making and the increasing use of laparoscopy in diagnostic and surgical procedures.


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