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Handbook of evidence-based psychotherapies : a guide for research and practice

Freeman, Chris

Handbook of evidence-based psychotherapies : a guide for research and practice [E-Book] - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2007

Contents include: cognitive therapy; interpersonal psychotherapy and depression; behaviour therapy; dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT); eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR); the effectiveness of counselling; constructivist and humanistic therapies; psychological treatment of disorder and specific client groups; obsessive compulsive disorder; eating disorders; personality disorders; intellectual disabilities; anger and forensic problems; psychological therapy for depression and anxiety in older adults; alcohol problems; bereavement; evidence-based psychological interventions in psychosis; bipolar disorders; depression; specific phobias; social anxiety disorder; children and adolescents; generalised anxiety disorder; adjuvant psychological therapy for patients with chronic physical illness; practice-based evidence as a complement to evidence-based practice.

0471498203 9780471498209