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A strategy for continuing education and professional development for hospital doctors and dentists. SCOPME. 1999.

A strategy for continuing education and professional development for hospital doctors and dentists. SCOPME. 1999. - SCOPME, 1999 - 92p

1. The scope of this enquiry and recommendations. 2. Summary of a workshop on CME and CPD for hospital doctors - expectations and responsibilities. 3. Summary of an enquiry into CME/CPD in three NHS trusts - giving credit where credit is due. 4. A synthesis of principles underlying CPD and CME drawn from this enquiry. Annexes: A1. members of teh SCOPME CPD steering group A2. SCOPME membership A3. CME and CPD for hospital doctors: expectations and responsibilities. A report of a SCOPME workshop held on 3 December 1997 A4. Giving credit wher credit is due: A study of CME/CPD in three NHS trusts. Soundings Research, June 1998 (commissioned by SCOPME).


Postgraduate medical education
Education, medical
Education, dental
Medical staff, hospital
General practitioner education
Education, continuing.

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