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Paediatric nursing

Weller, B.F.

Paediatric nursing - 7th - London Bailliere Tindall 1991 - 457; ill.,bibls.; BookFind - Nurses' aids series .

Part 1 Principles of child health: the healthy child; the newborn; the infant at risk; the needs of the sick child. Part 2 Principles of care: the child with respiratory problems; the child with cardiovascular problems; the child with rheumatic and collagen problems; the child with haematological problems; the child with gastro-intestinal problems; the child with metabolic problems; the child with endocrine problems; the child with neurological problems and learning difficulties; the child with dermatological problems; the child with orthopaedic problems; the child with genito-urinary problems; the child with infection problems. Appendices: safety; play matters; normal values and conversion tables; useful addresses.

Paperback An introductory paediatric nursing text for RSCN students and for student nurses going into paediatric wards, which covers the principles of child health and the principles of care. The emphasis is on health promotion and the book encompasses parental skills and community and hospital care.


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