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Secret survivors: uncovering incest and its aftereffects in women

Blume, E. Sue

Secret survivors: uncovering incest and its aftereffects in women - New York Ballantine Books 1990 - 321; bibl.; BookFind

THE INCEST SURVIVORS' AFTEREFFECTS CHECKLIST: Spoiled Love: An Overview; Supposition and Research: What We Know, What We Think We Know; In Somebody Else's Hands: Control, Power and Boundary Isues; The Secret and Its Enforcement: The Emperor's New Clothes; Am I Crazy? (No, You're Coping) - Part 1; Once Remembering Begins: The Crazies - Part 2; Spoiled and Soiled: Guilt, Shame, Self-Blame and Self-Esteem; Fear, Terror and Phobias; Anger (and Rage); Addictions and Compulsions; Victimization and Self-Destructiveness; At War with the Body; Sex (Is Not Sex); Relationships, Part 1 - The Self, Then Others; Relationships, Part 2 - Intimacy: Replaying the Incest; Hope and Healing; Resources.

Paperback This study is based on the ""Incest Survivors'After-Effects Checklist"", a tool developed by the author for identifying a history of hidden incest and understanding its consequences, many of them overlooked by previous works on this topic. The book redefines incest in a broader way than has previously been done and offers detailed and insightful discussions of its consequences: fear, anger, confusion of boundaries, sexual dysfunction, addictive and self-destructive behavior and fear of intimacy. Viewing the resulting behavior of incest victims as survival tactics, the book discusses alternatives to enable patients to meet underlying needs.