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100 cases in general practice

Stephenson, Anne,

100 cases in general practice [E-Book] One hundred cases in general practice Hundred cases in general practice - Second edition. - 1 online resource (225 pages) : illustrations (black and white)

This edition also issued in print: 2017. Previous edition: London: Arnold, 2009.

The cases are written to interest students in clinical problems and to help them develop their skills of clinical reasoning, with each scenario providing details of a patient's medical history and the key findings of a clinical examination, together with initial investigation results data for evaluation.


9781351649025 (ePub ebook) : No price 9781315152981 (ebook) : No price No price No price

Family medicine--Case studies.
Primary care (Medicine)--Case studies.
Family medicine--Problems, exercises, etc.
Primary care (Medicine)--Problems, exercises, etc.

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