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GP wellbeing : combatting burnout in general practice

Staten, Adam,

GP wellbeing : combatting burnout in general practice [E-Book] - 1 online resource (xviii, 125 pages) : illustrations (black and white)

Also issued in print: 2018.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This is the first book to explore the impact of 'burnout' on the current NHS GP workforce and how this can be addressed, from an insider GP perspective. Adam Staten, recently qualified GP, and Euan Lawson, Fellow of the RCGP with over 20 years experience, discuss in engaging, accessible chapters how burnout manifests psychologically, the complex reasons why GPs burn out and the individual and broader impact this can have. Most importantly, the book offers practical advice on how to avoid burning out and combat the negative effects of an increasingly high-pressure role, exploring how GPs can develop resilience and work in a way that builds a healthier work-life balance. A section is dedicated to the array of GP job options, with testimonies from practitioners working in diverse areas from education and academia to military and humanitarian settings.


9781351658898 (ePub ebook) : No price No price No price

Physicians (General practice)
Burn out (Psychology)--Prevention.
Physicians, Primary Care.
Burnout, Professional--prevention & control.

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