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Nutritional and metabolic bases of cardiovascular disease
Nutritional and metabolic bases of cardiovascular disease [E-Book]
- Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
- 1 online resource (xviii, 463 pages)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Section I. Nutrition and Obesity. Basics of Energy Balance / Luca Scalfi, Fabrizio Pasanisi, Franco Contaldo -- Genotype-Phenotype Associations: Modulation by Diet and Obesity / Jo�s M Ordovas, Mireia Junyent -- Etiopathogenesis of Obesity / Marie-Eve Mathieu, Angelo Tremblay -- The Epidemiology of Obesity / W Philip T James, Rachel Leach -- Pre-Diabetes in Obese Adolescents: Pathophysiologic Mechanisms / Anna M G Cali, Sonia Caprio -- Complications and Comorbidities of Obesity / Fabrizio Pasanisi, Franco Contaldo, Mario Mancini -- Cardiovascular Damage in Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome / Giovanni de Simone, Richard B Devereux, Oreste de Divitiis -- Treatment of Obesity: Beneficial Effects on Comorbidities and Lifespan / George A Bray -- A Review of Results from Swedish Obese Subjects, SOS / Lars Sjostrom -- Optimal Nutrition for Health and Longevity / Francesco P Mancini, Mario Mancini -- Section II. Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes. Definition and Diagnostic Criteria for Metabolic Syndrome / Wm James Howard, Giovanni de Simone, Barbara V Howard -- Cardiac and Vascular Effects of Adipocytokines in Normal and Obese Individuals: The Concept of Cardiometabolic Risk / Roberto Vettor, Claudio Pagano, Marco Rossato, Giovanni Federspil -- Dietary Carbohydrates, Overweight and Metabolic Syndrome: The Role of Glycemic Index in a Healthy Diet / Angela Albarosa Rivellese, Rosalba Giacco -- Metabolic Effects of Wholegrain Foods in Relation to Composition, Structure and Type of Food / Hannu Mykkanen, Marjukka Kolehmainen, Isabel Bondia Pons, Kaisa Poutanen -- Complex Dietary Patterns (Mediterranean Diet, Vegetarian/Vegan Dietary Models): Impact on Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism / Jim Mann -- Physical Activity and Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases / Eduardo Farinaro, Elisabetta Della Valle, Roberto Grimaldi -- Physical Exercise in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity, Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome / Virginie Messier, Anne-Sophie Brazeau, Remi Rabasa-Lhoret, Antony Karelis -- Functional Foods for Diabetes and Obesity / Gabriele Riccardi, Brunella Capaldo, Olga Vaccaro -- Section III. Hypercholesterolemia and Early Atherosclerosis. Familial Dyslipidemias: From Genetics to Clinical Picture / Paolo Rubba, Marco Gentile, Salvatore Panico, Paolo Pauciullo -- HDL, Reverse Cholesterol Transport, and Atherosclerosis / Guido Franceschini, Monica Gomaraschi, Laura Calabresi -- Role of Polyunsaturated Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Micronutrient Intake on Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Disease / Francesco Visioli, Doriane Richard, Pedro Bausero, Claudio Galli -- Alcohol Intake, Dyslipidemia, and CVD / Saverio Stranges, Maurizio Trevisan -- Dyslipidemia in Chronic Renal Disease / Carmine Zoccali -- Subclinical Hypothyroidism, Dyslipidemia, and Cardiovascular Risk / Jan Kvetny, �Jrgen Gram -- Genetic Influences on Blood Lipids and Cardiovascular Disease Risk / Jose M Ordovas, Mireia Junyent -- The Relationship between Dyslipidemia and Inflammation / Branislav Vohnout, Giovanni de Gaetano, Maria Benedetta Donati, Licia Iacoviello -- Dyslipidemia in Children: Diagnosis and Management / Leiv Ose -- Early Atherosclerotic Lesions in Childhood and Adolescence / Paolo Rubba, Gabriella Iannuzzo, Fabrizio Jossa, Gennaro Marotta, Arcangelo Iannuzzi -- Phytosterols, Plasma Lipids and CVD Risk / Gerd Assmann, Udo Seedorf -- Nitric Oxide in the Development of Vascular Diseases and Regenerative Angiogenesis / Claudio Napoli, Louis J Ignarro -- Impact of Treating Dyslipidemia on Cardiovascular Events / Zeljko Reiner, Diana Muacevic-Katanec -- Evolution of the Lipid Clinic, 1968-2008 / Barry Lewis -- Section IV Nutrition, Hypertension, and Cardiovascular Disease. From Abdominal Adiposity to Hypertension: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications / Albert P Rocchini -- Role of the Adipose-Tissue Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in Obesity and Obesity-Associated Hypertension / Stefan Engeli -- Relationship of Dietary Electrolyte Intake to Blood Pressure Regulation and Hypertension / Francesco P Cappuccio -- Genetic Susceptibility and Metabolic Bases of BP Salt Sensitivity / Ferruccio Galletti, Pasquale Strazzullo -- Are Sodium and Potassium Intake Independent Predictors of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Events? / Pasquale Strazzullo, Gianvincenzo Barba, Renato Ippolito -- Metabolic and Dietary Influences on Sympathetic Nervous System Activity / Elaine Ku, Tanzina Nasreen, Jeanie Park, Vito M Campese -- Improved Nutrition: Key to Solving the Populationwide Blood Pressure Problem / Jeremiah Stamler -- Alcohol and Coffee Intake, BP, and Cerebrovascular Disorders / Tanika N Kelly, Jiang He -- Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, Hypertension, and Risk of Stroke / Lydia A Bazzano, Domnica Fotino -- Complex Dietary Patterns and Blood Pressure / Alfonso Siani, L Aldo Ferrara -- Role of Obesity and Metabolic Alterations in Hypertensive Renal Disease and in Chronic Kidney Disease / Carmine Zoccali, Daniela Leonardis, Francesca Mallamaci -- Current Experience and Future Perspectives for Worldwide Reduction of Dietary Salt Intake / Naomi M Marrero, Feng J He, Graham A Mac Gregor -- Section V Hemostasis and Thrombosis: From Nutritional Influences to Cardiovascular Events. Risk Factors for Arterial Thrombosis / Giovanni de Gaetano, Romina di Giuseppe, Maria Benedetta Donati -- Platelets, Leukocytes, and Vascular Wall Interactions in Cardiovascular Disease: Modulatory Effects of Dietary Polyphenols / Chiara Cerletti, Serenella Rotondo, Giovanni de Gaetano -- Geneb6(BEnvironment Interaction in the Molecular Regulation of Plasma Coagulation Proteins / Maurizio Margaglione, Elvira Grandone, Matteo ND Di Minno, Giovanni Di Minno -- Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease: [psi]-3 PUFA / Elena Tremoli, Matteo Nicola Dario Di Minno, Giovanni Di Minno -- Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease: Homocysteine / Matteo Nicola Dario Di Minno, Elena Tremoli, Giovanni Di Minno -- Section VI. Nutrition, Metabolism, and the Aging Process. Nutrients and Cellular Aging / Roberto Patern, Francesco P Mancini -- Interaction between Diet and Genes on Longevity / Annibale Alessandro Puca, Chiara Viviani Anselmi, Thomas Perls -- The Role of Diet on Cognitive Decline and Dementia / Alfredo Postiglione, Giovanni Gallotta -- Neurovascular Protection in Old Age / Jean-Marc Bugnicourt, Jean-Marc Chillon -- Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Their Treatment in the Oldest Old / Kay-Tee Khaw -- Nutrition and Lifespan in Developing Countries / Arun Chockalingam.
Extraordinary advances in the understanding of the links between nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular disease have prompted a systematic reappraisal of knowledge in the field. As a result, it is now imperative that clinicians who care for patients with CVD or its key risk factors have a solid understanding of the often complex interrelationships between cardiovascular health and chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Written by a team of international thought leaders in cardiology, endocrinology, diabetology and nutritional science, this important new book.