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The legal, professional, and ethical dimensions of education in nursing
Smith, Mable H.
The legal, professional, and ethical dimensions of education in nursing [E-Book]
- 2nd ed.
- New York, NY : Springer Pub., 2012.
- 1 online resource (xix, 376 pages)
Revised edition of: The legal, professional, and ethical dimensions of higher education. �2005.
Includes bibliographical references.
The legal rights of students -- The legal rights of students and faculty : related to freedom of speech -- Faculty protection against lawsuits / Faculty and the employment relationship / Faculty relations in academic environments -- The teaching role of faculty / The scholarship role of nursing faculty -- The service/practice role of faculty / Ethical considerations in education environments. Mable H. Smith with contributions by Yvonne D. McKoy -- Mable H. Smith and Yvonne D. McKoy -- Richardean Benjamin and Mable H. Smith -- Richardean Benjamin and Mable H. Smith --
The only volume on higher education law written specifically for nursing faculty, this volume imparts the basic foundations of the legal, professional, and ethical issues that concern faculty on a daily basis. It clearly defines the legal rights of students, professors, and educational institutions along with the case laws supporting those rights. Each chapter contains a vivid legal scenario, related legal principles and theoretical foundations, and critical thinking questions. Written by an author who is both a nurse educator and ... Show More attorney, the volume emphasizes sound decision making so that readers can successfully navigate the complex legal issues confronting them in the faculty role. This second edition reflects recent changes in higher education and includes an emphasis on students' rights and safety. Chapters address the general legal rights of students with expanded content on the interplay with social media, rights of faculty regarding freedom of speech, faculty protection against lawsuits, faculty and the employment relationship, faculty relations, the teaching and scholarship roles of faculty, the service and clinical practice role of faculty, and ethical considerations for patients, students, and faculty in education environments. Appendices include information on how to read a legal case and how to research legal topics.
Nursing--Study and teaching--Law and legislation--United States. Education, Higher--Law and legislation--United States. Nursing ethics--United States. Civil rights. Students. College students. Civil Rights Education, Nursing--ethics Education, Nursing--legislation & jurisprudence Faculty Liability, Legal Students