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Manual of nutritional therapeutics

Alpers, David H.,

Manual of nutritional therapeutics [E-Book] - Sixth edition. - 1 online resource (722 pages) : illustrations - A Lippincott manual . - Lippincott manual. .

Preceded by: Manual of nutritional therapeutics / David H. Alpers [and others]. 5th ed. c2008.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Recommendations for healthy young adults -- Recommendations for healthy elderly adults -- Pregnancy and lactation -- Approach to nutrient deficiency -- Protein and calories: requirements, intake, and assessment -- Vitamins -- Minerals -- Dietary supplements -- Nutritional support decision making -- Enteral nutritional therapy -- Parenteral nutritional therapy -- Use of diets and dietary components in clinical practice -- Dietary management of diabetes, renal disease, and hyperlipidemia -- Obesity -- Nutritional considerations in chronic wasting diseases.

Optimize your patients' nutrition! Coauthored by three physicians and a dietitian, this quick-reference manual provides practical, state-of-the-art, evidence-based nutrition recommendations for healthy adults, hospitalized patients, and people with a full range of health conditions. It's an ideal source to help you meet the nutrition needs of every patient. Effectively counsel healthy patients with nutrition recommendations for both young and older adults, and provide specific guidance for patients who are pregnant or lactating. Find information on individual nutrients (e.g. vitamin D, iron), contained in a dedicated section covering nutrient components. Get detailed guidance with separate chapters on Protein and Calories, Vitamins, Minerals, and Dietary Supplements. Access advice specific for metabolic disorders (diabetes, dyslipidemia, and renal disease), for obesity, and for chronic wasting diseases (cancer, AIDS). Make informed decisions on enteral and parenteral nutritional therapy. - Publisher. Co-authored by three physicians and a dietician, this quick-reference manual provides practical, state-of-the-art, evidence-based nutrition recommendations for healthy adults, hospitalized patients, and people with a full range of health conditions. It's an ideal source to help you meet the nutritional needs of every patient.


9781496310002 1496310004

9781496310002 Ingram Content Group


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017832259 Uk 017028482 Uk

Diet therapy--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Nutrition--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Diet therapy.
Nutrition Therapy
Nutritional Physiological Phenomena

WB 39