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Physical healthcare and promotion in mental health nursing

Mutsatsa, Stanley

Physical healthcare and promotion in mental health nursing [E-book] - x, 234 p. - Transforming nursing practice series .

Cover note: "Meeting the NMC standards and essential skills clusters".

It is essential for mental health nurses to understand the physical health needs of people with mental health disorders in order to provide holistic care. Yet these people often have their physical health needs unrecognised or poorly managed. This book is a practical and informative guide to the physical health care of people with mental health illnesses. It covers a range of health-promotion strategies, including exercise, diet and oral health, and assessment, intervention and skills for common physical disorders found in people with mental-health problems. It takes a recovery perspective and emphasises the importance of communication and collaborative care for adherence to healthy lifestyles.


Psychiatric nursing
Care plans
Physical health
Mental disorders

WM 100.1. WY 160.