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Sports injuries of the shoulder

Sports injuries of the shoulder - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2020 - vi, 295p

This book provides a practical guide detailing the aetiology, diagnosis, relevant pathology, management principles, and outcomes of a variety of injuries to the shoulder including rotator cuff disorders, glenoid bone loss, and pectoralis major ruptures in both elite and non-elite athletes. Each chapter features clinical pearls and a question and answer section to emphasize key points.

Sports Injuries of the Shoulder is an essential book for those seeking an up-to-date resource. It is aimed at sports doctors and musculoskeletal doctors; senior orthopedic trainees with an interest in upper limb and those preparing for the FRCSOrth exam and similar international exams, as well as surgeons with a particular interest in shoulder conditions.


Wounds and injuries
Sports medicine
Athletic injuries

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