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Adolescent addiction :epidemiology, assessment and treatment /
Adolescent addiction : epidemiology, assessment and treatment / [E-book]
edited by Cecilia A. Essau, Paul Delfabbro.
- 2nd ed.
- Practical resources for the mental health professional .
- Practical resources for the mental health professional. .
Previous edition: 2008.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
PART I General issues 1. Foundations of addictive problems in adolescents Dan Lubman (Monash University, Australia) PART II Specific addictive problems 2. Alcohol addiction Delyse Hutchinson & Cecilia A Essau (Deakin University, Australia; University of Roehampton University, UK) 3. Drug addiction Louisa Degenhardt (National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Australia) 4. Nicotine and e-cigarettes addiction Judith S. Brook (New York University) 5. Gambling addiction Paul Delfabbro (University of Adelaide, Australia) 6. Internet and video-game addiction Daniel King (University of Adelaide, Australia) 7. Sexual addiction Steven Sussman (University of Southern California, USA) 8. Shopping addiction Cecilie Schou Andreassen (University of Bergen, Norway) 9. Smartphone addiction Daria J. Kuss (Nottingham Trent University, UK) 10. Social networking addiction Mark Griffiths (Nottingham Trent University, UK) 11. Exercise addiction Mia Beck Lichtenstein (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) PART III Implications for the future 12. Social and political implications Simone Rodda (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Adolescent Addiction, Second Edition, offers researchers and clinicians a single-volume resource on the nature, extent and treatment of addictive problems in adolescents. The book is divided into three main parts. Part one addresses the foundations of addictive problems, including developmental, social, and neurobiologicl factors. Part two addresses common addictions among adolescents. New chapters include e-cigarette, smartphone, social networking, and exercise addiction. Part three discusses challenges and recommendations for future research in adolescent addiction. All chapters in part two follow a similar format to introduction and clinical characteristics, screening and clinical assessment methods, epidemiology, cormorbidity, course and outcome, protective and risk factors, evidence-based clinical strategies for prevention and treatment, and a concise summary of key clinical points.