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Helping children cope with separation and loss

Jarratt, Claudia Jewett

Helping children cope with separation and loss [E-book] - Rev. ed. - Boston, Mass. : Harvard Common Press, 1994 - 1 online resource (vii, 232 pages).

""Introduction: Who This Book Is For""; ""1. Telling Children about Loss""; ""2. Helping Children Face Change""; ""3. Understanding and Supporting Grief""; ""4. Facilitating the Grief Process: Helping Children with Sadness, Anger, and Aggression""; ""5. Responding to Problems of Self-Esteem and Control""; ""6. Looking Back, Letting Go, and Moving On""; ""Bibliography""; ""Index""

A guide for adults who must assist children through times of death, divorce, or other intense difficulties shows how to provide support, offering new insights on helping children retain self-esteem through these times.

9781558325470 = Boston, Mass.

Separation anxiety

WLM 220.