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Making a medic : the ultimate guide to medical school /

Brill, David (Trainee doctor),

Making a medic : the ultimate guide to medical school / [E-Book] David Brill, MBBS, BSc Neuroscience, MSc Science Communication. - 1 online resource (xii, 305 pages) : illustrations (black and white)

Also issued in print: 2019.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This is a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know in order to succeed at medical school, including: how to study effectively (and still have time for fun!); the latest books, websites, and apps to use; how to get the most out of clinical placements; how to master OSCEs and written exams; how to ace the Situational Judgement Test; and prescribing safety assessment.


9781911510949 (ePub ebook) : No price

Medicine--Study and teaching (Higher)--Great Britain.
Medical colleges--Great Britain.
Medical students--Great Britain.

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