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Differences in preferences for appreciation across various work settings (Record no. 106258)

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Title Differences in preferences for appreciation across various work settings
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    National Library of Medicine Article     Croydon Health Services Library Croydon Health Services Library Special Collections 03/03/2025   03/03/2025 03/03/2025 Online resource DOI 10.1108/SHR-11-2022-0061 VOL. 22 NO. 1 2023, pp. 17-21, ISSN 1475-4398 STRATEGIC HR REVIEW NHS Open Athens account required to view. Contact chs.libraryenquires@nhs.net for access. Abstract: Previous research has documented the distribution of preferences of various appreciation languages by employees in general work settings. This paper aims to explore if employee preferences for appreciation vary across different types of workplace settings. Employees in medical settings did choose Words of Affirmation as their primary language most frequently (40.2%) but chose Acts of Service (31.7%) more frequently than Quality Time (20.1%). This group also chose Acts of Service at a significantly higher rate than the general workforce (20.6%). In working with numerous medical settings, the difficulty of spending time together with colleagues during the work day is often raised as challenging due to the time-oriented client services they provide