Becoming by
Edition: Paperback edition.
Publisher: London : Penguin Books, 2021 Copyright date: ©2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1). South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: ZZ9 0BA .
Beloved by
Publication details: London Vintage 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 MOR .
Black and British : a short essential history by
Publication details: London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2020
Availability: Items available for loan: South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: ZZ6 OLU .
Black and British : a forgotten history by Publisher: London : Pan Books, 2017
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: HM268 . Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 OLU . South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: ZZ6 OLU . Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: DIV OLU .
Black boy : a record of childhood and youth by Series: Vintage classics
Publication details: London Vintage 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 WRI .
Black, listed : black British culture explored by
Publication details: London Dialogue Books 2019
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: HM268 . Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 BOA .
Brit(ish) : on race, identity and belonging by Publisher: London : Vintage Books, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: HM200 . Croydon Health Services Library (1)Call number: EDI Collection Exploring Race H91 . Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 HIR . QEH Library (Lewisham and Greenwich) (1)Call number: ZZ 3 HIR . Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: REACH HIR . South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: ZZ7 HIR . Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: DIV HIR .
Diversify : how to challenge inequality and why we should by Publisher: London : HQ, 2019
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (2)Call number: WX422, .. . David Adams Library (Royal Marsden) (1)Call number: WX 422 SAR . Hirson Library (St Helier) (2)Call number: HM 146, .. . Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 300 SAR . Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: HM 146 . Not available: South London and Maudsley Trust Library: On loan (1). Thorpe Coombe Library: In transit (1).
Divided : racism, medicine and why we need to decolonise healthcare by
Publication details: London : Wellcome Collection/Profile Books, 2023
Availability: Items available for loan: BEH-MHT Library Service (NLFT) (2)Call number: HM 330 SOW 2023, .. . CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WA90 . Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 SOW . South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: ZZ7 SOW . Stenhouse Library (Kingston Hospital) (1)Call number: HM 330 . Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: HM 270 SOW .
Don't touch my hair by
Publication details: London : Penguin, 2020
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: HM270 . Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 DAB . St Bartholomew's Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: HM 268 DAB . Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: HM 268 DAB . Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: DIV DAB .
Girl, woman, other by Publisher: London : Penguin, 2019 Copyright date: ©2019
Availability: Items available for loan: BEH-MHT Library Service (NLFT) (1)Call number: HWC EVA 2019 . David Adams Library (Royal Marsden) (1)Call number: EVA . Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: P . Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 EVA . QEH Library (Lewisham and Greenwich) (1)Call number: HM 240 . Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: WOMEN Eva . Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: P . South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: ZZ14 EVA . Stenhouse Library (Kingston Hospital) (1)Call number: PZ EVA . UHL Library (Lewisham and Greenwich) (1)Call number: HM 240 .
Croydon Health Services Exploring Race and Ethnicity EDI Collection ,
Homerton: Black History Month ,
Homerton: Diverse Perspectives reading list ,
Homerton: Telling Tales reading list ,
Homerton: Women's Network Group ,
LGT Libraries - Book Club ,
LGT Libraries - EDI - Multicultural Inclusion ,
LGT Libraries - EDI - Women ,
LGT Libraries - EDI Collection ,
LGT Libraries - Leisure Reading ,
RMH Black History Month ,
SLaM anti-racism & black history ,
SLaM leisure reading ,
SLaM Library books for International Women’s Day and beyond ,
SLaM Library Celebrating Black Women Books ,
Stenhouse Library: Black History Month ,
Stenhouse Library: International Women's Day .
How to be an antiracist / [E-Book] by Publisher: London : Vintage, 2019
Availability: Items available for loan: BEH-MHT Library Service (NLFT) (1). CEME Library (NELFT) (1). Croydon Health Services Library (1). David Adams Library (Royal Marsden) (1). Ferriman Information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1). Goldberg Library King George (1). Hillingdon Hospitals Library Services (Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation) (1). Hirson Library (St Helier) (1). Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1). Newham Library (Barts Health) (1). Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust Knowledge and Library Service (1). PRUH Education Centre Library (1). QEH Library (Lewisham and Greenwich) (1). Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1). Royal London Library (Barts Health) (1). Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1). South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1). St Bartholomew's Library (Barts Health) (1). St Charles Library Hub (Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust) (1). Stenhouse Library (Kingston Hospital) (1). Thorpe Coombe Library (1). UHL Library (Lewisham and Greenwich) (1). Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1). Whittington Health Library (1).
It's not about the burqa : Muslim women on faith, feminism, sexuality and race by Language: English
Publication details: London Picador 2020
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: HM260 . Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 KHA .
Love in colour : mythical tales from around the world, retold by Publisher: London : Headline, 2020
Availability: Items available for loan: BEH-MHT Library Service (NLFT) (1)Call number: HWC BAB 2020 . CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: PZ . Croydon Health Services Library (1)Call number: Health & wellbeing uplifting collection . Ferriman Information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1)Call number: MBB BAB . Hillingdon Hospitals Library Services (Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation) (1)Call number: WELL BAB . Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: P . St Bartholomew's Library (Barts Health) (1). Stenhouse Library (Kingston Hospital) (1)Call number: PZ BAB . UHL Library (Lewisham and Greenwich) (1)Call number: PZ BAB . Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (3). Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: MBB BAB . Not available: South London and Maudsley Trust Library: On loan (1).
Barts Health: Uplifting Collection (Reading Well books) ,
Croydon Health Services Uplifting Collection ,
Homerton: Black History Month ,
Homerton: Diverse Perspectives reading list ,
Homerton: Telling Tales reading list ,
Homerton: Uplifting Reads ,
LGT Libraries - Leisure Reading ,
North Middlesex - Fiction collection ,
SLaM anti-racism & black history ,
SLaM leisure reading ,
Stenhouse Library: Black History Month ,
Stenhouse Library: Recreational Reads ,
Whittington Wellbeing Room Collection .
Maame / Jessica George. by
Publication details: London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2023
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WL 359 GEO .
Me and white supremacy : how to recognise your privilege, combat racism and change the world / [E-Book] by Publisher: London : Quercus, 2020
Availability: Items available for loan: BEH-MHT Library Service (NLFT) (1). CEME Library (NELFT) (1). Croydon Health Services Library (1). David Adams Library (Royal Marsden) (1). Ferriman Information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1). Goldberg Library King George (1). Hillingdon Hospitals Library Services (Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation) (1). Hirson Library (St Helier) (1). Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1). Newham Library (Barts Health) (1). Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust Knowledge and Library Service (1). PRUH Education Centre Library (1). QEH Library (Lewisham and Greenwich) (1). Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1). Royal London Library (Barts Health) (1). Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1). South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1). St Bartholomew's Library (Barts Health) (1). St Charles Library Hub (Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust) (1). Stenhouse Library (Kingston Hospital) (1). Thorpe Coombe Library (1). UHL Library (Lewisham and Greenwich) (1). Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1). Whittington Health Library (1).
Mind the gap : a handbook of clinical signs in black and brown skin [E-Book] by
Publication details: London St. George's University of London 2020
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1).
Mother Country : real stories of the Windrush children by
Publication details: London Headline 2019
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HM 330 BRI .
Mr Loverman by
Publication details: London Penguin 2013
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: HQ 645 EVA .
Natives : race and class in the ruins of empire by
Publication details: London : Two Roads (John Murray), 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: HM200 . Croydon Health Services Library (1)Call number: EDI collection Exploring Race H91 . QEH Library (Lewisham and Greenwich) (1)Call number: HM 270 . South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: ZZ7 AKA . Stenhouse Library (Kingston Hospital) (1)Call number: HT 1521 . Not available: Whittington Health Library: On loan (1).