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Rosenshine's Principles in action

Sherrington, Tom

Rosenshine's Principles in action [Ebook] - 1 online resource (85 pages)

COVER -- COPYRIGHT -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION: WHY ARE BARAK ROSENSHINE'S'PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUCTION' SO GOOD? -- STRAND 1: SEQUENCING CONCEPTS AND MODELLING -- STRAND 2: QUESTIONING -- STRAND 3: REVIEWING MATERIAL -- STRAND 4: STAGES OF PRACTICE -- CONCLUSION -- REFERENCES -- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -- ROSENSHINE'S'PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUCTION' -- Table of contents -- Introduction -- 1. Daily review -- 2. Present new material using small steps -- 3. Ask questions -- 4. Provide models -- 5. Guide student practice -- 6. Check for student understanding -- 7. Obtain a high success rate -- 8. Provide scaffolds for difficult tasks -- 9. Independent practice -- 10. Weekly and monthly review -- Conclusion -- References and further reading.

Barack Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction are widely recognised for their clarity and simplicity and their potential to support teachers seeking to engage with cognitive science and the wider world of education research. In this concise new guide, Rosenshine fan Tom Sherrington amplifies and augments the principles and further demonstrates how they can be put into practice in everyday classrooms.The second half of the book contain Rosenshine's original paper Principles of Instruction, as published in 2010 by the International Academy of Education (IAE) - a paper with a superb worldwide reputation for relating research findings to classroom practice


Lesson planning.
Instructional systems.