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Sociology and occupational therapy : an integrated approach

Sociology and occupational therapy : an integrated approach - Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1998 - xi, 194p. - Book Website

What is sociology? / T. Hartery, D. Jones -- Social research methods / R.K. Jones, Margaret Nicol -- Social stratification and social class / T. Hartery, T. Gahagan -- Role / Sheena E.E. Blair -- Sex, gender and feminism / Doreen MacWhannell, Sheena E.E. Blair -- Multicultural society / Isabel Dyck -- Family / Christine Ravetz -- Deviance / D. Jones -- Health and fitness / R.K. Jones, D. Jones -- Organizations / Carol Lennie, Linda Renton -- Sociology of the health professions / R.K. Jones, Averil Stewart -- Work / C. Yuill, I. McMillan -- Leisure / Louise R. Thibodaux, Anita C. Bundy -- Normalization and critical disability theory / Kristen Stalker, Chris Jones.

Sociology and Occupational Therapy is the first book on sociology specifically designed to introduce Occupational Therapy students at undergraduate and postgraduate level to areas of sociology relevant to the theory and practice of OT. It provides a beginners guide to the relevant literature and explains how the sociological theory impacts on the practice of OTs in the widest sense. It makes use of the knowledge and expertise of Sociologists and Occupational Therapists to explain key concepts and their relevance to practice. With activities provided at the end of each chapter the student is encouraged to make their own links with between the text and their experience of OT practice and everyday life.


Occupational therapy
Sociology, medical
Community health services

WB 555.