Our parents as mirrors -- The seven types of negative parental mirrors -- Your body as a mirror -- How mirror therapy works -- Rejecting your parents' negative reflection -- Emotionally separating from your parents -- Quieting and countering your inner critic -- Looking deeper into the mirror: discovering the real you -- Providing for yourself what you missed as a child -- Learning to love your body -- If you were neglected, rejected, or abandoned: healing the "I am unlovable" and "I am worthless" mirrors -- If you were overprotected or emotionally smothered: healing the "I am nothing without my parent" mirror -- If you were overly controlled or tyrannized: healing the "I am powerless" mirror -- If you had overly critical, shaming or perfectionistic parents: healing the "I am bad," "I am unacceptable," and "I am not good enough" mirrors -- If you had a self-absorbed or narcissistic parent: healing the "I don't matter" mirror -- Continuing to heal.
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